lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

Once upon a time...

... there was a really good guy, at least that is what he thought of himself, who started to write a blog, about what? it's hard to define it, you know... he wanted to show his interests, some important days and persons and also something informative, something useful for everyone, but day by day he wrote the same stuff: his life.

So then, he continued this way, and some friends of him told that he was egocentric because of this, even selfish. He thought a lot of time, but instead of feeling guilty he arrived to one conclusion: who else could be the protagonist of his life`s story? No one. Yes, lots of persons interacted with him, and not any kind of them, they were amazing people: some of them smart, some others cheerful, and some other were as wise as he'd like to be, but anyone could feel as he felt, anyone could think as he did and anyone could see the life as him, he was the perfect character for this tale/novel/movie, the noun isn't important, it was a story, a great and real story, and of course he enjoyed to act it.

It can be a little bit egocentric, but each one of us has the right to star his own script. In the end he's going to remember why he took decisions, and the consequences, that is sure, and the most important thing: nobody will describe exactly how does it feel: to live.

2 comentarios:

  1. Pues es algo así como de lo que yo hablaba y no creo que haya nadie mejor para ser el protagonista de nuestra historia mas que nosotros AUNQUE nuestra historia se va a la basura cuando tratamos de ser como alguien más y no somos quienes de verdad somos. Saludos Joe!

    PD. Yo no soy el stalker

  2. Y obviamente, nadie puede ni podrá representar tu papel mejor que tú.
    Lo que sí... el soundtrack sería hartamente variado, no lo crees? Cool!
